ATELIER BRÜCKNER aims to create engaging environments which empower communities and international guests to learn, interact, have fun and feel welcome and inspired by excellent design.


Our holistic design approach "form follows content" interweaves content, key messages, exhibits, media, graphics and light with architectural space. The built reality becomes a direct reflection and a carrier of the underlying concept. 



Team Members









Agnese Trusele
Content Development
Agnese Trusele
Alba Suarez Rico
Exhibition Designer
Alba Suarez Rico
Alexandra Vassilakou
Senior Architect
Alexandra Vassilakou
Aliena Koep
Visual & Media Designer
Aliena Koep - Bild im Flur
Alise Silina
Exhibition Designer
Alise Silina
Andreas Schirra
Andreas Schirra
Anna Aichele
Interior Architect
Anna Aichele
Antonia Mehlis
Exhibition Designer
Antonia Mehlis
Anvita Trivedi
Concept Designer
Anvita Trivedi
Benjamin Guschlbauer
Communication Designer
Benjamin Guschlbauer
Bernd Möller
Associate Partner
Bernd Möller
Birgit Kölz
Communication Designer
Birgit Kölz
Birgit Meyer
Head of Press & Communication
Birgit Meyer
Björn Müller
Senior Exhibition Designer
Björn Müller
Britta Nagel
Britta Nagel
Buse Damla Eray
Exhibition Designer
Buse Damla Eray
Carmen Utz
Senior Architect
Carmen Utz
Christin Dotzel
Business Development
Christin Dotzel
Christina Loechli
Interior Architect
Christina Loechli
Claire Hermann
Exhibition Designer
Claire Hermann
Claudia Piredda
Claudia Piredda
Cord-Hinrich Grote
Associate Partner
Cord-Hinrich Grote
Daniel Giordano
Lead Creative
Daniel Giordano
David Meister
David Meister
David Villegas Rodríguez
Exhibition Designer
David Villegas Rodríguez
Delien Martinstyine
Office/Animation Assistant
Delien Martinstyine
Denada Dahriu
Interior Architect
Denada Dahriu
Deniz Kösmene
Exhibition Designer
Deniz Kösmene
Dennis Kehr
Interior Architect
Dennis Kehr
Dennis Tilke
Dennis Tilke
Deyana Stareva
Deyana Stareva
Dirk Schubert
Associate Partner
Dirk Schubert
Dominik Hegemann
Associate Partner
Dominik Hegemann
Eberhard Schlag
Eberhard Schlag
Ekaterine Zirakadze
Assistant to Managing Director
Ekaterine Zirakadze
Elisabeth Ramm
Associate Partner
Elisabeth Ramm
Emma Kilday
Senior Exhibition Designer
Emma Kilday
Enora Nydell
Exhibition Designer
Enora Nydell
Federica Chung-I Ferraro
Federica  Chung-I Ferraro
Feyyaz Sözeri
Interior Architect
Feyyaz Sözeri
Franziska Götz
Content Development
Franziska Götz
Giulia Mingucci
Visual & Media Designer
Giulia Mingucci
Haydar Dalci
Haydar Dalci
Hossam Dorgham
Exhibition Designer
Hossam Dorgham
Irina Stepanova
Senior Architect
Irina Stepanova
Jaebin Lee
Creative Manager ATBK
Jaebin Lee
Jana Fröhlich
Associate Partner
Jana Fröhlich
Jannis Renner
Senior Architect
Jannis Renner
Jelka Ottens
Interior Architect
Jelka Ottens
Johannes Heynold
Senior Architect
Johannes Heynold
Jörn Küsters
Senior Architect
Jörn Küsters
Julia Hager
Interior Architect
Julia Hager
Kathrin Eva Seitz
Senior Architect
Kathrin Eva Seitz
Kathrin Milic-Grunwald
Associate Partner
Kathrin Milic-Grunwald
Kathrin Seitz
Interior Architect
Kathrin Seitz
Katja Kraiss
Exhibition Designer
Katja Kraiss
Katrin Steglich
Katrin Steglich
Kishan Kumar
Exhibition Designer / Architect
Kishan Kumar
Laura Engenhart
Exhibition Designer
Laura Engenhart
Lilian Lautenschläger
Visual & Media Designer
Lilian Lautenschläger
Lina Grote
Exhibition Designer
Lina Grote
Linda Peter
Content Development
Linda Greci
Ludmilla Häuser
Lead Designer
Ludmilla Häusser
Lyla Staub
Exhibition Designer
Lyla Staub
Maram Alkhachroum
Senior Architect
Maram Alkhachroum
Marc Dettinger
Senior Exhibition Designer
Marc Dettinger
Marco Müller
Associate Partner
Marco Müller
Mariana Lourenco
Concept and Exhibition Designer
Mariana Lourenco
Mariane Ghafari
Communication Designer
Mariane Ghafari
Marianne Kreichgauer
Marianne Kreichgauer
Marlee Priesmeyer
Persönliche Assistenz | Architektin
Marleen Priesmeyer
Mary Dwomoh
Mary Dwomoh
Maxwell Madden
Exhibition Designer
Maxwell Madden
Meike Frankenhauser
Product / Experience Designer
Meike Frankenhauser
Melina Gierl
Melina Gierl
Michel Casertano
Michel Casertano
Mingyu Cheng
Communication Designer
Mingyu Cheng
Moritz Luderer
Media Designer
Moritz Luderer
Natalie Weinz
Interior Architect
Natalie Weinz
Nico Lorenzi
Nico Lorenzi
Nicole Liener
Office Management
Nicole Liener
Nicolò Piana
Associate Partner
Nicolò Piana
Nils Scheffler
Senior Architect
Nils Scheffler
Nina Höppel
Nina Höppel
Oliver Wanke
Exhibition Designer
Oliver Wanke
Pamela Resuli
Pamela Resuli
Pia Friedrich
Interior Architect
Pia Friedrich
Polina Toumey
Exhibition Designer
Polina Toumey
Rana Rmeily
Associate Partner
Rana Rmeily
René Walkenhorst
René Walkenhorst
Robert Heimsch
Robert Heimsch
Robert Schrem
Director of Technology
Robert Schrem
Ruiting Zhang
Ruiting Zhang
Sabine Birk
Senior Project Manager
Sabine Birk
Sami Karam
Lead Visual & Media Designer
Sami Karam
Sandra Mohring
Interior Architect
Sandra Mohring
Sarah Glöckner
Sarah Glöckner
Sayaka Koike
Senior Visual & Media Designer
Sayaka Koike
Sebastian Schelling
Senior Exhibition Designer
Sebastian Schelling
Shirin Frangoul-Brückner
CEO & Partner
Shirin Frangoul-Brückner
Sirin Unmanee
Exhibition Designer
Sirin Unmanee
Sofie Ascherl
Exhibition Designer
Sofie Ascherl
Stefanie Klinge
Stefanie Klinge
Stephan Droste
IT and Digital Affairs
Stephan Droste
Stephanie Groß
Interior Architect
Stephanie Groß
Sungha Kim
Sungha Kim
Susanne Pertschy
Susanne Pertschy
Tamara Banovic
Human Resources Manager
Tamara Banovic
Tanja Zöllner
Associate Partner
Tanja Zöllner
Tea Debeljak
Junior Exhibition Designer
Tea Debeljak
Till Zocher
Senior Exhibition Designer
Till Zocher
Uwe R. Brückner
Former Partner
Uwe R. Brückner
Veronica Chini
Junior Interior Architect
Veronica Chini
Wijnand Veneberg
Media Designer
Wijnand Veneberg
Xiaoyi Gu
Business Development Greater China
Xiaoyi Gu
Yijing Lu
Head of Finance & Operation, Authorised Officer
Yijing Lu
Yujeen Chung
Managing Director ATBK
Yujeen Chung
Yutong Chen
Exhibition Designer
Yutong Chen

Managing Board

Michel Casertano
Shirin Frangoul-Brückner
Jana Fröhlich
Cord-Hinrich Grote
Dominik Hegemann
Stefanie Klinge
Kathrin Milic-Grunwald
Bernd Möller
Marco Müller
Britta Nagel
Nicolò Piana
Elisabeth Ramm
Rana Rmeily
Prof. Eberhard Schlag
Dirk Schubert
René Walkenhorst
Tanja Zöllner
Prof. Uwe R. Brückner

Michel Casertano became partner and shareholder at ATELIER BRÜCKNER on 30th September 2024. The architect has been with the firm since 2005 and an Associated Partner since 2012. He has been working alongside Prof. Eberhard Schlag, overseeing architectural projects. His expertise lies in the revitalisation of historic buildings, the creation of new cultural spaces, and architecture with a scenographic focus. His notable projects include the cultural ensemble Wagenhallen in Stuttgart, the GS Caltex Expo Pavilion in Yeosu, the conversion of Bocholt Textile Factory, and the BMW Museum in Munich. A respected speaker, guest critic, and juror, he was also teaching media at the Stuttgart State Academy of Fine Arts from 2009 to 2013. He studied architecture at the TU Munich and at the University of Bath. 

Michel Casertano

Shirin Frangoul-Brückner, Managing Director and founding partner of ATELIER BRÜCKNER, studied architecture at the universities of Kaiserslautern and Stuttgart. She has worked as an architect since 1994 and in 1997co-founded ATELIER BRÜCKNER with Uwe R. Brückner. Guided by the principle „making the impossible possible“ she systematically uses her competencies in project acquisition, conception, controlling and realisation. As Managing Director she is responsible for positioning the Atelier, which has since developed into one of the world’s leading offices for exhibition design.

Shirin Frangoul-Brückner

Jana Fröhlich completed her studies in communication design at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences in 2005. Since 2008 she has headed the graphics department at ATELIER BRÜCKNER and became an Associate Partner in 2018. She is responsible for the overall coordination as well as for her own projects and takes care of the graphic design from draft to print production. As a communications expert with a high aesthetic and didactic standard, Jana Fröhlich develops individual, harmonious designs, always regarding the exhibitions content and the corporate design of the customer.

Jana Fröhlich

Cord-Hinrich Grote finished his studies of Industrial Design at the University-GH in Essen in 1996. Since 2010 he has been working at ATELIER BRÜCKNER as Art Director and Senior Project Manager, in 2019 he became Associate Partner. As project manager, Cord-Hinrich Grote is responsible for the entire complex of his projects, from design, research and development of technical solutions to project management. He has profound knowledge in all areas of scenography and has many years of experience in exhibition design and the conception of mediatecture: aesthetically, conceptually and technically.

Cord-Hinrich Grote

Dominik Hegemann finished his studies in architecture and design at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design in 1999. Since then, he has managed complex exhibition projects for ATELIER BRÜCKNER at home and abroad, since 2013 as an associate. He is responsible for project management and planning across all project phases. His specialist expertise lies in the development and realisation of exhibitions with a strong media element. Experiential, target-oriented formats reflect the architect’s passion for science and technology.

Dominik Hegemann

Stefanie Klinge completed her studies in Cultural Studies and Media Economics with distinction at Humboldt- and Freie Universität Berlin. Before joining ATELIER BRÜCKNER in 2012, she was Co-Director of an agency in Barcelona for ten years, where she was responsible for international architecture and exhibition projects. As Business Development Director at ATELIER BRÜCKNER, she built up the corresponding department, opened up new markets and made a decisive contribution to the sustained success of the company. She acquired projects and won clients of strategic importance such as the Nobelstiftung or EMAAR. After two years, during which she was successfully responsible for the strategic business development of the renowned architecture firm blocher partners, Stefanie Klinge returned to ATELIER BRÜCKNER in January 2019 as Associate Partner for Strategy and New Business. Since 2022, she has been a Partner in the Executive Board - alongside Shirin Brückner, Eberhard Schlag, René Walkenhorst and Britta Nagel.

Stefanie Klinge

Kathrin Milic-Grunwald is a communication designer with a master’s degree in media and arts. She has been contributing her abilities in the field of design aesthetics and her strong conceptional and analytical skills to the work at ATELIER BRÜCKNER since 2010, since 2018 as an associate. She shapes and structures the content of complex exhibition and design projects, and in collaboration with museum curators and brand managers presents scientific and brand content in such a way that it is conveyed spatially in three dimensions. From 2014 to 2018 she was a visiting lecturer at the Royal College of Art in London.

Kathrin Milic-Grunwald

Bernd Möller completed his degree in interior architecture at the University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart in 1995. Since 2000 he has been a project manager and since 2009 an associate at ATELIER BRÜCKNER. The interior architect’s approach to design and planning challenges is always solution-oriented in the context of sophisticated overall concepts. He strives to achieve the perfect implementation of materials and media. In presentations, workshops, and as jury member, Bernd Möller shares his knowledge and represents ATELIER BRÜCKNER.

Bernd Möller

Bernd Möller completed his degree in interior architecture at the University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart in 1995. Since 2000 he has been a project manager and since 2009 an associate at ATELIER BRÜCKNER. The interior architect’s approach to design and planning challenges is always solution-oriented in the context of sophisticated overall concepts. He strives to achieve the perfect implementation of materials and media. In presentations, workshops, and as jury member, Bernd Möller shares his knowledge and represents ATELIER BRÜCKNER.

Marco Müller

Britta Nagel, Concept Director, heads up concept development at ATELIER BRÜCKNER and in this capacity has been the creative lead responsible for the success of numerous projects. She is passionate about materializing content in space and inspiring visitors with a memorable experience. The architect studied at the University of Stuttgart and Bartlett School of Architecture in London. She sees her role as a creative designer as one that bridges exhibition, architecture, design and art. Her strenghts lie in her ability to guide her colleagues, collaborators and clients towards an unexpected result. Britta Nagel has been a partner at ATELIER BRÜCKNER since 2011.

Britta Nagel

Nicolò Piana graduated from the Instituto Universitario di Architettura in Venice in 2005 and has been working as a design architect at ATELIER BRÜCKNER since 2013. He has been an associate partner since 2022. Nicolò Piana's work develops unique spaces that tell stories and communicate content in extraordinary ways. With a focus on clear, compelling ideas and expressive design, he creates unforgettable experiences that combine education and entertainment.

Nicolo Piana

As a conceptual designer with a focus on storytelling, dramaturgy and scenography, Elisabeth Ramm designs the content of our exhibitions and develops the corresponding spatial images. Her experience in the fields of exhibition, theatre, TV/audiovision and media art provides her with a broad spectrum of knowledge with which she translates complex content into space in a holistic, immersive and artistic manner. Elisabeth Ramm has been working for ATELIER BRÜCKNER in the field of exhibition conception since 2013 and as Associate Partner since 2022.

Elisabeth Ramm

Rana Rmeily has been a visual designer at ATELIER BRÜCKNER since 2014 and an associate partner since 2022. She studied Art Direction at the Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts in Beirut and Visual Design at the Scuola Politecnica di Design in Milan. She brings her proven expertise in graphic and media design, creativity and keen sense of aesthetics to international projects as a designer and project manager.

Rana Rmeily

Prof. Eberhard Schlag, Project Director, joined ATELIER BRÜCKNER in 1997 and has been partner since 2008. He studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart and at the IIT in Chicago. As Project Director, he is responsible for the complex museum, exhibition and architecture projects at home and abroad, and also heads up the architecture department of ATELIER BRÜCKNER with a special focus on cultural buildings and refurbishment of listed buildings. In 2018 he founded ATELIER BRÜCKNER KOREA, of which he is Representative Director. Eberhard Schlag is a professor for architecture and design at HTWG Konstanz, where he has built up an interdisciplinary course of studies in spatial design.

Eberhard Schlag

Dirk Schubert is creative director and associate partner of ATELIER BRÜCKNER. whose designs have shaped our projects for 25 years. His strengths lie in the development of innovative exhibition and spatial concepts as well as in the concise communication and presentation of these ideas. In line with our philosophy "form follows content", the architect and graphic designer finds a coherent and exciting spatial design for the individual content and goals of each project. With his work as an interdisciplinary designer, he aims to create unique exhibition spaces that inspire, inform and activate visitors. Dirk Schubert's projects have won more than 200 international awards.

Dirk Schubert

René Walkenhorst, project director, is responsible for the development and management of complex construction and exhibition projects worldwide. He has many years of experience in planning and realising high-quality interior architecture and sees himself as a well-versed and highly structured project director, confidently managing
even large teams. René Walkenhorst studied architecture at the universities of Hanover, Delft, and Helsinki and was co-founder of the office 5elf Architekten, before joining ATELIER BRÜCKNER in 2005. Since 2009 he has been an associate, and became partner in 2017.

René Walkenhorst

Tanja Zöllner has been with ATELIER BRÜCKNER since 2008 and is Associate Partner since 2019. She completed her studies in communication design at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences, specialising in object and interior design. Tanja Zöllner's well-founded and broad experience in the design and management of various exhibition projects and themes makes her one of our most experienced exhibition designers. Tanja Zöllner attaches great importance to aesthetics, materiality, functionality, experiential character, visitor and user friendliness with her attention to detail. She accompanies the projects from the first idea to the opening.

Tanja Zoellner

As co-founder and Chief Creative Officer, Uwe R. Brückner has distinctly shaped the artistic work of ATELIER BRÜCKNER. He created our design philosophy „form follows content“ and was responsible for the development of the working method „Creative Structure“. We thank Uwe R. Brückner for the formative role he has played in the company for more than 22 years.

Uwe Brueckner


By designing engaging experiences, we seek to unlock the potential of future generations. Our aim is to exhibit heritage in its context, making it relevant for today and tomorrow. Through applying principles of re-use and revitalisation, we develop sustainable spaces. We co-create with communities to set-up places of cultural diversity that are accessible to all.









Digital Media


Information on demand






Project Management

We collaborate with our clients, whom we view as partners, by building strong relationships throughout the entire process.
