Shenzhen Planning Exhibition 2020Shenzhen, Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition
Competent government departments in charge of Shenzhen Urban Planning Museum
Area (sqm)
Shenzhen is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. The MOCAPE is exploring the asian metropolis from an urban planning point of view. Following the motto "Shenzhen is Vitality", the permanent exhibition is divided into three large areas, each with a specific theme: "City Co-Existence", "City Co-Construction" and "City Co-Wish". A floor is dedicated to each theme. The basic design concept is a grid system – a symbol for the abstract process of urban planning. Within the grid, visitors gradually get closer and closer to the city.
All the floors and the contents are connected to each other by the "Shenzhen Lens", an impressive, multi-media installation with a diameter of 15 metres. It is located in the atrium, which goes right up to the top of the building, and consists of three "levels", which overlap each other like the sketching paper of an architect: The lowest level refers to the first thematic area and thus to the basic landscape structure of Shenzhen. The second level shows how the city was formed and embedded in nature. The third level is manifested in the form of numerous screens that are suspended above the lens. Museum visitors can display their wishes for the city of Shenzhen on the screens or follow the streams of movement in the city in real time.
Up until the late 1970s, today's megacity was not much bigger than a village. In just a few decades, it has developed into a city of millions and become a high-tech centre with electronically based processes. The museum visualises the planning process itself and presents further visions.
- Scenography, Exhibition Design
- General Contractor
- Silkroad Visual Technology Co., Ltd.
- Curator
- Diameter Narrative Design, China Academy of Urban Planning & Design Shenzhen
- Light Planning with
- Belzner Holmes Light-Design
- Media Planning with
- medienprojekt p2
- Media Design with
- Silkroad Visual Technology Co., Ltd.
- Architecture
- Coop Himmelb(l)au
- Photography
- Silkroad Visual Technology Co., Ltd. (1-4, 7, 9, 10) | China Academy of Urban Planning & Design Shenzhen (5, 6, 8)